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What is Tungsten Rhenium (WRe) Wire

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-12      Origin: Site

1. What is tungsten-rhenium wire?

Tungsten-rheniumalloy Wires, also known as tungsten-rhenium alloy wire, is a metal material made by doping rhenium and other elements into tungsten in a certain proportion and then sintering and forging. It extends the brittle transition temperature down to room temperature or below, which enables it to be used in some electric light source products that require high reliability.

2. Performance of tungsten-rhenium wire

It has high melting point, high strength, high hardness, high plasticity, high recrystallization temperature, high resistivity, low vapor pressure, and low electron work function (usually it means that electrons escape from the metal surface to overcome the surface barrier and must do It has low plastic brittle transition temperature, high strength at room temperature and high temperature, good plasticity after recrystallization, high resistivity, low resistivity, anti-oxidation and carbonization, strong resistance to "water cycle reaction" and good welding performance. Series of excellent performance.

3. Model of tungsten-rhenium wire

It has two grades: W-1Re, W-3Re, each grade can be divided into spiral type (L) bending type (M). The classification criteria are as follows:

(1) The rhenium content of W-1Re is between 1.00±0.10%, the potassium content is between 0.004-0.009%, the content of each impurity element is less than or equal to 0.01%, and the total amount of impurity elements is less than or equal to 0.05%.

(2) The rhenium content of W-3Re is between 3.00±0.15%, the potassium content is between 0.004-0.009%, the content of each impurity element is less than 0.01%, and the total amount of impurity elements is less than or equal to 0.05%.

4. The use of tungsten rhenium wire

Tungsten-rhenium alloy wire is mainly used in the production of color picture tubes (the function is to emit light and reproduce color images, mainly used in color displays) hot filaments, various electron tube filaments and grids; for the production of special requirements tungsten filament lamps, chromatographic heat-sensitive components ; For the manufacture of heating wire mesh for television heating and picture tubes and video tubes; for military electronic equipment and so on.

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