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Production Technology of Tungsten and Molybdenum Crucibles

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-07-01      Origin: Site

Molybdenum crucibles and tungsten crucibles are widely used in rare earth smelting, vacuum sintering, laser crystal growth and other industries. Due to the high price of tungsten and molybdenum and the harsh processing conditions, the repeated use of crucibles has become a concern for manufacturers.

According to different production methods, tungsten and molybdenum crucibles can be divided into: sintering type, stamping type, machining type, and welding forming.

Among these shaped crucible products, stamping crucibles are used the most, the price is relatively low, and the application surface is also the most extensive. However, affected by the processing technology, it has an inherently difficult to improve shortcomings: the thin thickness is not conducive to long-term use. Poor performance in frequency.

The welding tungsten-molybdenum crucible is not only low in price, but due to the increase in wall thickness, the service time is much longer than that of the stamping line crucible. It is widely loved by many users and has always been the first choice for procurement.

However, in the process of use, many manufacturers reported that they had previously ordered a welding type crucible produced by a certain factory. As a result, pitting corrosion and damage occurred in the welding parts and nearby parts within less than half a year, and returned to the factory to find us to repair. It is said that the welded crucible is not easy to sinter.


In fact, this factor is mainly limited by the process used in crucible welding, the welding environment and the selection of materials, and whether there is a suitable heat treatment method after molding. The above factors determine the durability of the welded crucible.


If the above steps are handled properly, the use temperature and the duration of the welding molybdenum crucible and sintered molybdenum crucible of the same thickness are the same, and some are even much higher than the use time of the sintered crucible. This is because the density of sintering is even higher than that of molybdenum plates that have been rolled many times.

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