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Why Is High Density Tungsten Alloy Used for Sports Equipment?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-01-17      Origin: Site

Why is high-density tungsten alloy used for sports equipment?

High density tungsten alloys are widely used in high-end sports equipment, such as golf clubs, basketball stands, and dumbbells, due to their excellent mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties.

For golf clubs, the choice of tungsten alloy as a counterweight material has multiple advantages. Firstly, tungsten alloy has a higher density, which allows it to better adjust the center of gravity of the golf club, thereby affecting the hitting distance and direction of the golf ball. Secondly, the corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance of tungsten alloy provide a longer service life for the ball and rod balance block. In golf, the golf club often comes into contact with water and various chemicals, so the durability of the counterweight material is crucial.

For basketball stands, their stability is crucial for the safety of games and training. High density tungsten alloy, due to its excellent mechanical properties and durability, can provide the necessary support for basketball frames and ensure the stability of the entire structure. In addition, the strong corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance of tungsten alloy enable it to maintain the structural integrity of the basketball frame under various climatic conditions, thereby extending the service life of the basketball frame.

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