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Rare Earth Tungsten Mining Increased 40% YoY in 2018

Views: 21     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-05-15      Origin: Site

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has jointly issued the “Circular on the Total Control of Tungsten Ore Mining in the 2018 Year (First Batch)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), proposing to protect and rationally develop advantageous minerals. Resources, in 2018, will continue to control the total amount of rare earth ore and tungsten mining.

According to the "Notice", the total mining control index for the first batch of rare earth ore (REO) and tungsten concentrate (60% tungsten oxide) in China in 2018 will be issued according to 70% of the 2017 target. The first batch of rare earth ore mining total control index 73,500 tons, of which ion type (based on heavy rare earth-based) rare earth ore index 12,530 tons, rock type (light) rare earth ore target 60,970 tons; tungsten concentrate mining total control index 63,900 tons, among which the main mining index is 51,350 tons and the comprehensive utilization index is 12,550 tons.

According to the reporter’s combing, in 2017, the first batch of rare earth mining total control indicators for the national plan was 52,500 tons, and the first batch of tungsten concentrate mining total control index was 45,650 tons. Compared with last year, the first batch of rare earth and tungsten ore mining volume increased by 40% year-on-year.

China is a major resource and mining country for rare earths and tungsten. Since the concept of protective mining of specific minerals was proposed for the first time in the “Mineral Resources Law” of 1986, from the current management and implementation effects of rare earth minerals and tungsten ore, the implementation of total mining control indicators has played an important role. With the changes in the situation at home and abroad in recent years, it is imperative to explore new mechanisms for the effective protection and rational use of China's advantageous mineral resources. Some relevant experts suggested that all relevant ministries and commissions should coordinate and coordinate with each other to grasp the distortions in the distribution of correction factors, expand effective supply, improve the adaptability and flexibility of the supply structure to changes in demand, increase the total factor productivity, and enable China's advantageous mineral resources. Sustainable development.

The "Notice" pointed out that the annual total amount of mining control indicators will be issued in due course in the second quarter in accordance with relevant state policies and market changes. Relevant provincial natural resources authorities should timely disaggregate the indicators and implement responsibilities. The total rare earth ore mining control targets should be issued in a centralized manner to the six mining enterprises under the jurisdiction of rare earth groups; local natural resource authorities at all levels should strengthen statistical reports and supervision and inspection. At the same time, this is the first time since the institutional reform of the State Council that the two departments jointly issued official documents on the control indicators for the total amount of rare earth minerals for tungsten mining. The "Notice" requires that the two departments should strengthen communication and coordination and work coordination, share information, and jointly supervise and manage the control of total amount of rare earth minerals and tungsten ore.

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