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China Tungsten Market: Opportunities and Challenges Coexist in 2019

Views: 18     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-04-09      Origin: Site

2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is a crucial year for the fight against pollution and the success of a well-off society. Li Ganjie, Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that starting in 2019, a new round of inspectors will be fully launched. It is planned to use another four years to carry out the second round of central ecological environmental protection inspection work. The first three years of the plan are still regular comprehensive inspections. "look back". Environmental protection and rectification is undoubtedly good for the long-term operation of the tungsten market, especially the effective and efficient use of mineral resources from the source of tungsten ore, but the fluctuation of the macroeconomic situation and the reduction of production in downstream factories will also have an impact on market demand performance.

At present, the domestic tungsten price has remained stable. The market is at the end of the year, and there is a lack of transaction heat. The merchants have different opinions on the market after the Spring Festival, and the trading sentiment is not good. At present, it is generally focused on the recovery of goods and the summary before the market.

In the tungsten concentrate market, environmental protection supervision, production shutdown, and the recent increase in logistics and transportation restrictions, the spot market can be used to tighten raw material resources, support the business mentality is good, the market outlook is expected to be more positive, short-term strong offer is limited by the end of the year The trading market is light, paying attention to the policies after the Spring Festival resurrection and the attitude orientation of large enterprises.

In the APT market, smelting enterprises controlled the low start of production, which made the supply and demand status of the market recover recently. The factory did not have too much inventory accumulation. At present, the raw material market is relatively strong, but the downstream demand is limited. The manufacturers lack sufficient volume support, and they are more cautious about the market outlook.

In the tungsten powder market, the demand side support is still light, the current winter storage market is not progressing well, the downstream users have limited ability to consume products, and the actual sales pressure of tungsten powder enterprises still exists. The merchants are not optimistic about the market outlook, the year-end orders The transaction is nearing the end, maintaining stability, focusing on the support of the market after the Spring Festival.

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