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China Molybdenum Market Traded Weak

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2015-04-09      Origin: Site

Today, China market remains weak pattern molybdenum, poor turnover. Supported by the price of raw materials, ferro molybdenum market spot prices down, getting goods more difficult and limited bargaining space. Currently part of the party that represents the current molybdenum concentrate ore mining transaction price and the cost price upside down, most of the old-order or maintain customer oriented. Recently, excellent steel prices gradually stabilized, affected by the policy and environmental protection, there are signs of improvement in turnover, due to Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu Province finite capacity and other factors, short-term demand for molybdenum iron or will have some negative impact. Molybdenum is expected to recent domestic market will be under pressure to run.
According to the Information Research Center of Market monitoring shows: the current mainstream spot ferro-molybdenum prices in 78000-80000 yuan / ton (cash - acceptance), the market low turnover in 76500-78000 yuan / ton (cash from mentioning the price). Concentrate 40-45% more than the price reported in 1100-1120 yuan / ton level, the mainstream transaction in 1080-1100 yuan / ton degrees. Metallurgical grade molybdenum oxide quoted in the mainstream 1200-1220 yuan / ton level, the spot price at 1190-1120 yuan / ton degrees.

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